Expert for industrial component cleaning – need for further training versus uncertainty

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In the current turbulent situation with rising infection rates, many companies are still experiencing travel restrictions and a great deal of reluctance to attend events in the fall. We are currently noticing this very clearly at our planned basic seminar on cleaning technology (23.-25.09.2020). The many telephone inquiries with an urgent need for further training are only matched by a few concrete bookings. In order to offer participants and speakers planning security, we are now focusing on the already announced spring date 2021 and unfortunately have to cancel the seminar in September. Until then, we will continue to provide you with current information regarding cleaning technology, e.g. at the parts2clean online-day.

You will learn basic knowledge about methodical and systematic procedures in cleaning technology where it is developed: at Fraunhofer Cleaning. Here you will have the opportunity to exchange ideas with other participants and experts from the most diverse fields.

Further details, as well as information about events during the Corona pandemic can be found on our website!