6. First training course "Certified professional specialist (m/f/d) for industrial parts cleaning" within the InnoVET Project CLOU started

Within the funded InnoVET Project "CLOU - Future Cluster for Innovative Vocational Training", adaptive and open-ended initial and continuing education is being developed in the chemical and pharmaceutical industry, which at the same time makes technical innovations in vocational training accessible.

The newly developed further training course “Certified professional specialist (m/f/d) for industrial parts cleaning in this project was modularly designed by the Fraunhofer FEP together with the Sächsischen Bildungsgesellschaft SBG.


At the Fraunhofer FEP, the InnoVET Project CLOU is supported by Daniel Weile, who explains: " “The challenge was to combine the diversity and complexity of the existing cleaning processes and procedures into a teaching scheme in such a way that it offered participants added value in terms of content, regardless of their background, while at the same time allowing them to be applied directly in all industries. Accompanying continuing education with the possibility of obtaining the IHK-certified qualifications “Verified Professional Specialist (m/f/d) of Industrial Part Cleaning.”.

We are therefore pleased to report that the first test phase of our training course started on September 26th in Dresden with 10 participants from very different industries and with very different previous knowledge.


The first regular course is scheduled to begin in autumn of 2023. You can already find out about the courses and content on the CLOU website and apply for the next round.


At parts2clean 2022 from 11 to 13 October 2022 in Stuttgart, Germany, the contact persons for this training will answer questions from all interested parties at the booth of the Fraunhofer Business Area Cleaning; Hall 4, Booth B20. More information can be found here.


Expert Forum at parts2clean 2022

11 October 2022, 11:20 am, S1.4
Certified professional specialist for industrial parts cleaning – A clean career
Daniel Weile, Fraunhofer FEP


Press conference at parts2clean 2022

11 October 2022, 11 am
Ist die industrielle Teilereinigung für die wachsenden Herausforderungen in der Präzisionsreinigung gerüstet?
Frank-Holm Rögner, Speaker Fraunhofer-Business Unit Cleaning


About the project CLOU

Project duration: 01.12.2020 – 30.11.2024
Funding reference: 21IV007D
Funded by the Federal Ministry for Education and Research