Cultural assets are testimonies to history. They document the development of a society and culture. However, material cultural assets are threatened by decay or have even already been affected by it. It is therefore of great importance to enable their preservation.
Consequently, it is of great importance to plan, prepare and implement the preservation of these assets according to the latest scientific findings and to enable their authentic perception.
The manager of our business area Frank-Holm Rögner is also passionate about the preservation of cultural assets and cleaning technologies in this area. We are therefore all the more pleased that he will be giving the exciting lecture "Konservierung und Restaurierung 3: Historische Verfahren und aktuelle Entwicklungen” at HTW Berlin together with Prof. Dr. Alexandra Jeberien and Betty Sacher.
We therefore wish the Master students on the Conservation and Restoration course not only a wonderful Christmas season, but also lots of success and interesting hours in the lecture hall!