The CLOU project was officially launched in December 2020. This is a project funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (reference no. 21IV007D) within the InnoVET initiative for innovative vocational training. The goal is to promote vertical and horizontal continuing education in cooperation with companies, research institutions and educational institutions, as well as the permeability between vocational and higher education. In our sub-project, we are working together with the Saxon Education Society for Environmental Protection and Chemical Professions Dresden mbH to develop a training program to become "Vocational specialist in Industrial Parts Cleaning". The project is currently in the next phase. Discussions with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Dresden on the recognition procedure have started and a first workshop is planned for February, 9th 2022, where interested companies, associations and institutions can actively contribute to the content of the training. Take your chance to participate and register now for this workshop. You will then receive detailed information on the schedule, agenda and organizational form in mid-January 2022. Depending on the corona situation, the event will take place in presence or online. Online participation in hybrid form will be possible in any case.